El embudo del growth hacking – PROCESO

  • Ahora que entiendes de qué trata el growth hacking y por qué es importante, veamos cómo se construye y ejecuta una estrategia de crecimiento.
  • Antes de nada, deberás definir lo que significa para ti el crecimiento.
  • Los periodos de crecimiento requieren de una ejecución constante en relación con objetivos medibles. Esta debe ser la raíz de toda tu estrategia.
  • Como venimos diciendo y enfatizando, todos los profesionales del marketing que se centran en el crecimiento deben focalizar sus esfuerzos en un objetivo único.
  • Los growth hackers son tan creativos como analíticos, y para ellos sumergirse en datos es una tarea habitual. Por eso, cada uno de ellos debe tener su propio embudo experimental. Un proyecto específico de optimización con el objetivo de tener un impacto significativo en un área principal.

Pero ¿qué proyecto debes abordar primero?

  • ¿La optimización de los motores de búsqueda o SEO? ¿O quizás la optimización del blog? ¿Una revisión completa de la estrategia de correos electrónicos? ¿O tal vez rediseñar la página de inicio de tu página web?
  • Para poder identificar rápidamente los proyectos viables que además te ayuden a alcanzar tu objetivo de crecimiento rápidamente, necesitarás un sistema simple y medible.
  • Para ello resulta útil la calificación PIE.

Escrito por Brandwatch y Hubspot

Growth hacking as part of our marketing initiatives


Besides the traditional initiatives that we implement in Marketing to acquire drivers and passengers, we would like to include in Colombia growth hacking/growth marketing as part of our on-going way of doing marketing.

What is Growth Hacking/Growth Marketing?

Growth Hacking is a different way of doing marketing with scalable growth as its core purpose. It is a concept coined by Sean Ellis, first marketer at Drop Box, and now some are starting to call it Growth Marketing.  Its origin is related to early-stage startups that needed massive growth in a short time with limited budget. It is a methodology based on leveraging the wealth of data available to test, track, measure and scale marketing growth initiatives. 

It utilizes multiple tools, some of them being:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Website Analytics
  • Content Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • A/B Testing 
  • Conversion Funnel Analysis
  • Persuasion principles

In summary, the process is a continuous experimentation cycle comprising four steps:

  • Step 1- Data analysis and insight gathering-  Identify an opportunity or a problem
  • Step 2- Idea generation- Develop ideas of how to approach the opportunity or problem identified in Step 1
  • Step 3- Experiment prioritization- Prioritize ideas identified in Step 2, based on criteria such as time, ease/difficulty in implementation, cost etc.
  • Step 4- Running the experiments- 
Then the process circles back to review results and define next steps, looking for early winners, areas that could be promising and then abandoning those tests that show lackluster results. Only if an experiment is successful it will be scaled and budget put behind it.
  • Growth hackers are defined as: 

 «A highly resourceful and creative marketer singularly focused on high leverage growth»

“Growth hackers are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of “How do I get customers for my product?” and answers with A/B tests, landing pages, viral factor, email deliverability, and Open Graph.”


  • We need to have ongoing and different ways of acquiring drivers and passengers. 
  • We will be able to track what we do. Growth Hacking focuses on testing, tracking and measuring initiatives. And only if we see positive results do we scale and put a significant budget behind it.
  • It aims on finding smarter and lower cost alternatives to traditional marketing. 
  • It is fast paced, we can see positive or negative results in a shorter time frame.
  • It complements the traditional marketing and digital marketing initiatives that we are doing, both locally and from Athens.
  • We will gather a more thorough understanding of our passengers and drivers.
  • The results speak for themselves  Examples of Results for Growth Hacking
  • Our marketing has to evolve as the tools available do. This is a way to be at the forefront of new ways of doing marketing.


– Local Team: 

– CMT:

– Local Digital Media and Growth Hacking Agency: 

This is an agency focused on Growth Hacking that has worked with clients such as Chevrolet, Nestlé, Falabella, Black & Decker, Sony Music among others. 






We are proposing to start out with 4 experiments for Part Time Drivers to test the growth hacking concept and based on results, establish it as an on-going process to acquire passengers and drivers.

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